Restoring our natural resources takes all of us, working together.

2024 Gathering of CBES Grantees

Permanent preservation of our environment requires collaboration between community, science and academia, and government.

Twenty-six Kosasa Foundation Community-Based Environmental Sustainability grantees and a few funders spent a day together sharing, listening and learning. 

We all came away ready to work together to reclaim our environment.

Grantee Participants

We ended our day together with hope and a list of actions that will propel us forward:

Be the partner you wish you had.
Focus on diversified sources of funding and succession planning.
Share what we do, and how it connects with the work of others.
Trust others, pursue pilina, show up. 
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Terrence R. George, President and CEO of the Harold K. Castle Foundation, and Travis Counsell, Executive Director of the Hawaiʻi Bicycling League, share their reflections from the gathering.